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A modern chemical engineer should be able to adapt to the changes especially on the aspect of information technology. Since I was given the chance and privilege to experience new engineering applications, I took advantage of this to be able to extract and model chemical engineering to understand the behavior of certain systems. I also used some of these applications to create and modify the documents below.

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The most audacious choice I've ever taken in my life so far has always been to go headfirst into the engineering field. And as a result of my choice, I have learnt to accept the possibility that going forward, I may view things from a different perspective. I strongly disagree with the statement that an engineer is "a person who gets excited about things no one else cares about," since I think that once you enter the field of engineering, you will realize the things that you should actually care about.


IEA Category Statement

Select, and apply appropriate techniques, including prediction and modelling, computational and information management tools, and data analytics to complex engineering problems, with an understanding of their limitations and possible future directions to  to generate relevant information

My Design and Development Experience

As a chemical engineering undergraduate, I have immersed myself to several design courses. All the design courses were challenging and engaging at the same time. Throughout my training years, I can say that I somehow got the gist on how engineering teamwork functions.  All the design paper that are in this portfolio is a product of undergraduate teamwork, including myself.

To view the design papers, please feel free to browse through these links below.

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