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Hello there and welcome to my portfolio!

I am Rhoel A. Talandron. I am an only child who is aspiring to achieve my dream of being a physician in the near future. 

I am aiming to be the first doctor in our family.

To take a glimpse of my undergraduate training, feel free to browse through my portfolio. Plus, you can also get to see how I spend my precious moments in life.





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I am 23-year-old medical student with a pre-medical degree of chemical engineering degree from the University of San Carlos. I am aiming to become a successful physician and engineer in the near future so that I can amplify my effort and advocacies in order to achieve a greener and sustainable world. While at the same time, serving those who are in need, the poor, and the underserved. 

Driven by strong passion for excellence and desire for usability and efficiency, I embody a scientific and humanitarian approach on all matters to provide solutions of high quality and prolonged sustainability. 

I believe that undergraduate trainings highly contributes to one's success as a chemical engineer in the future (which I also hope that these would help me in my journey). I also believe that every stepping stone on this journey should be documented ( at least creatively). This portfolio contains major documents and projects that I have made throughout the years. The quick tabs below shows all the categories in these portfolio. To view the artifacts, please don't hesitate to click the tabs so you could be redirected or simply, choose among the menu above.

Engineering Knowledge

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Problem Analysis

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Design and Development of Solutions

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Digital Tools Usage

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Individual and Collaborative Work

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Project Management

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Life-long Learning

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More About Me

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Reading in Library


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