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A Leap Into The Unknown

The Beginning of My Med Journey

Is this really it?? A Chemical Engineer in the medical field??? 


I’m Rhoel Talandron and I am an aspiring physician who wants to help in improving the society by imparting the technical skills and scientific knowledge that I've learned throughout my years in academic training as a chemical engineer and a doctor of medicine (in the future)..


Elementary: Minglanilla Special Science Elementary School

High School: Philippine Science High School (CVisC)

Senior High School: Philippine Science High School (CVisC)

College: University of San Carlos - BS Chemical Engineering



1. Biochemical applications of antimicrobial coating for hospital surfaces

2. Drug dissociation inside the body

3. Antibiotic Resistance (More on Information Dissemination)

4. HIV and how it affects the day-to-day basis of a person

5. The synergistic/antagonistic effects of herbal medicine and medicinal drugs.

In my research, I am passionately exploring the potential of antimicrobial coatings to revolutionize hospital hygiene, aiming to create safer environments for both patients and healthcare providers. Additionally, I am driven by the curiosity to unravel the intricate dynamics of drug dissociation within the human body, with the ultimate goal of optimizing therapeutic interventions. Moreover, I am committed to addressing the pressing issues of antibiotic resistance by focusing on effective information dissemination strategies to combat this global health threat.

What are my expectations for Health Research?

So coming from a non-traditional pre-medical degree, I must admit that I have a hard time adjusting with the pace because for me, the entire medicine field is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from engineering. That’s why, I am able to list down my expectations for my medical journey below:

1. I believe that my journey through medschool with a non-traditional degree will be VERY HARD and WILL NEVER A SMOOTH OCEAN TO SAIL TO. Although this applies to traditional pre-med degrees as well, but for me, coming from an engineering field makes medicine A LOT HARDER!

2. I am expecting that there will be many medical principles will contradict with engineering principles.

3. I am looking forward to apply at least the fundamentals I have learned in the basic sciences and engineering in medical research., whether it we be on the qualitative and quantitative aspect.

4. I am also looking forward to doing more studies that would involve actual patients as participants to the research study.

5. I am looking forward to work with esteemed doctors that would help me nurture my physician-like thinking so that I could be a well-rounded physician.

6. Lastly, I am expecting that I would go through all the rigorous subjects in medical school together with a new set of friends and faculty that I would be meeting along the way.

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