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IEA Category Statement

Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences
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A chemical engineer should be well-versed with the principles and theories in chemistry since these are necessary to scale up processes for industrialization and manufacturing. Likewise, a chemical engineer should be familiar with laboratory scale equipment to understand the minute-scale unit operations.

Problem Identification

As professionals, engineers are the ones who look at things critically and objectively. As a chemical engineering student, I am trained to use the natural science and chemical engineering principles to identify the problem. 


As a chemical engineering undergraduate, I am also trained to systematically gather data and analyze it by coupling with natural sciences and chemical engineering principles

My experience ...

Throughout my undergraduate training years, I have demonstrated problem identification and data analysis skills to tackle and solve several chemical engineering problems. The artifacts listed on the right are those documents wherein I was able to contribute and  showcase my skills in problem solving. 

To view the artifacts, please feel free to browse through these links below.

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