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Chemistry laboratory courses were introduced to chemical engineering undergraduates to provide them strong foundation for more complex theories. The difference  between chemistry and chemical engineering laboratory courses is that the former investigates the background of natural sciences while the latter is multidisciplinary, employing both concepts from natural sciences and engineering.

Planning and Reporting

Planning and reporting should be one of the core skills of a chemical engineer. As a student, I have developed some skills on how to professionally plan tasks and experiments, and report some results. Please click either of the buttons below to view related documents.

Difference between Chemistry Laboratory and Chemical Engineering Laboratory


IEA Category Statement

Apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, computing and engineering fundamentals; and an engineering specialization to develop the solution of complex engineering problems.
The section below lists all the chemistry courses that are prescribed by the chemical engineering curriculum together with their corresponding course description. A compilation of all my course outputs are also provided below.  

Experiment Plans

Experiment plans are made prior to every experiment together with the pre-laboratory report. This document is a requirement for every experiment t ensure that the student understands the flow of the experiment.

Course Outputs:

Pre-Lab Reports

As mentioned above, pre-laboratory reports are made before every experiment. These reports contain the necessary theories and concepts that should be fully understood by the student prior the experiment.

Course Outputs:

Actual Conduct of Experiment Report

This document is basically just a documentation report that a certain experiment was conducted by the student. This section only covers the four industrial laboratory experiments since the documentation for other experiments were merged with the data processing analysis and report.

Course Outputs:

Data Processing Analysis and Report

This report contains the data gathering results and the statistical analysis done on the gathered data. Likewise, interpretation and analysis of the results are also showcased in the report.

Course Outputs:

Individual Laboratory Reports 

This document is the final laboratory report for every experiment.  This includes the theories, equations, methods, data gathering, and discussion that are highly relevant to the experiment.

Course Outputs:

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