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IEA Category Statement

Design creative solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes to meet identified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, whole-life cost, net zero carbon as well as resource, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations as required



Engineers are trained to be creative in their ways on approaching and solving real life problems. They are also trained to think critically for them to be able distinguish what is relevant and what is not.  With creativity and critical thinking, engineers are able to design plant scale reactors to achieve the commercial demand of products and commodities.

As professionals, engineers are the ones who look at things critically and innovatively. With their ability to create and re-create things and processes, engineers would be able to innovate and further develop processes and equipment in order to be on par with the demand.


My Design and Development Experience

As a chemical engineering undergraduate, I have immersed myself to several design courses. All the design courses were challenging and engaging at the same time. Throughout my training years, I can say that I somehow got the gist on how engineering teamwork functions.  All the design paper that are in this portfolio is a product of undergraduate teamwork, including myself.

To view the design papers, please feel free to browse through these links below.



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